Tuesday 24 May 2016

Modern Canvas Art for Kids

Project 4: Blended colors painted onto squares were glued onto a background of modern art lines and squiggles.

Modern art is fun to create and can easily and cheaply be used to spruce up a room. This is the fourth modern canvas art project for kids. The see the other project ideas, please visit the Arts and Crafts Page.

Red, brown, dark gray and cream colored acrylic paints were used for this project.

 Beginning with the lightest color the canvas was filled with squiggles, swirls, lines and dots. Each color was used to create only one or two different shapes in the background.

 Wooden squares can be purchased in small bags at craft stores for a few dollars.

 Using the colors in the background, many squares were painted. Most squares were painted blending two of the background colors in different ways making this a great color mixing project for kids.

 Once the squares were painted and dry they were glued to the canvas with a hot glue gun.

Check out these great blog hops for more educational activity ideas.

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