Wednesday 25 May 2016

Each Child is Unique

At the butterfly house each child did something different.

Any parent of more than one child knows how different each child is. It is their uniqueness that leads them down their own path in life. As educators I often wonder how one teacher can use a single curriculum to teach so many students. Although it seems like a good idea it can be difficult to make work.

When my oldest was around six years old we followed the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling primarily using the Ambleside On-Line curriculum. Educating was so much fun and so easy. I knew exactly what to do when my son was ready. Well I was sorely mistaken. The literature intensive curriculum did not work well for him and I spent years trying to figure out something different and effective for him.

Now they are 9, 12 and 14 and although they are best friends, they are still very different. When we visited the butterfly house recently, I couldn't help noticing how they all naturally did something very different.

 My youngest packed a sketch book and was happy drawing.

She is a very visual learner and enjoys taking her weekly art classes.

My oldest packed a camera and like me, snapped as many beautiful images as possible. After all, it isn't often we are surrounded by butterflies and beautiful flowers at every turn.

 My son took the book from the center and tried to identify as many butterflies as possible. He was interested in all of the differences.

I have never used a box curriculum and today, each child follows a unique education plan based on their interests and learning methods. As they grow and change I'm sure we will make more changes but I'm happy that I finally realized that because they are each so unique, it is best for each of them to have their own tailored education plan.

Check out these great blog hops for more educational activity ideas. 

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