Wednesday 29 July 2015

Rubber Band Loom iPhone Case

My daughter researched and created her own rubber band loom iPhone case and coin purse.

 My eight year old daughter loves creating with her rubber band loom, but honestly, I haven't had time to encourage her hobby. Therefore, she has advanced almost entirely on her own.

 She saw this tutorial and thought it would make a great gift for grandma. So she watched and followed the steps to create an iPhone case.

 While creating the case, she noted that the rubberbands looked a lot like knitting and purling does with yarn.

 Finished Case

After the iPhone case was complete, she expanded on her knowledge to create a coin purse for one of her friends.

I am continually amazed by what kids can accomplish when given time and space to follow their interests. They can be very focused and motivated.

Check out these great blogs full of educational activity ideas.

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