Monday 25 August 2014

Two-Digit Multiplication Game

Games make learning math fun, and the possibilities are endless. This multiplication game is a variation Shut The Box which teaches basic addition.

To play this two-digit multiplication game, all that's needed are some manipulatives that represent ones, tens and hundreds and some dice or cards. These units were made from card stock paper. To give the game a money twist, pennies, dimes and dollars can be used for units, as they represent ones, tens and hundreds.

Non-standard dice which contain more than six sides are best. Icosahedron shaped die contain the numbers 1-20, dodecahedron die contain the numbers 1-12 and octahedron die contain the numbers 1-8. If these are not available, paper can be taped to the faces of a standard die and marked with any desired numbers.

Be the first to get rid of units.

We began with 4 hundreds, 14 tens and 20 ones or a total of 560 units for each player.

Roll the dice, multiply the numbers and remove that number of units. The dice in the example above show 13x8. First 8 was multiplied by 3 (8x3) and the units were gathered and placed on one side of the dice. Next 10 was multiplied by 8 (8x10) and the units were placed on the other side. Finally all of the units were set aside.

This example shows 14 x 8. 32 Units are placed on one side for the one-digit multiplication, and 80 units are placed on the other for the tens.

This game is a fun way to introduce the concept of two digit multiplication. When playing we began with an eight-sided die and a twenty sided die. Then we switched the eight-sided die for a twelve-sided die. My daughter was excited to be able to get rid of more units.

Playing the game with money, it may be better to get the pennies, dimes and dollars from the bank, and the player with the highest amount at the end of six rounds is the winner.

Here's a list of excellent blog hops to get even more educational activity ideas.

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Geography Game

This is a very straight forward way to study countries of the world. All of the kids enjoyed playing the game when they were about six years...