Monday 28 July 2014

Leukemia - Organ Checks

With the completion of the maintenance portion of therapy came a series of organ examinations. Certain types of medicine and Chemotherapy are known to cause damage to different parts of the body. Unfortunately the medicines can cause future damage as well, so she will undergo similar tests on a regular basis.

Jemma's ears, eyes, kidneys and heart underwent testing over the course of several visits to the hospital. Doctor's looked at her ears with special equipment and tested their function. They dilated her eyes, examined them and tested them. Her heart was tested with an EKG and ultrasound, and her urine was collected at home for 24 hours and then submitted to the doctors in conjunction with a blood test to check her kidney function.

Thankfully, the only issue they found was a slight reduction of sight in one of her eyes. It isn't even bad enough to require glasses.

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Geography Game

This is a very straight forward way to study countries of the world. All of the kids enjoyed playing the game when they were about six years...