Thursday 5 February 2015

Slogan Writing Activity for Kids - Apples

We wrote slogans for apples.

Creating slogans is one technique companies use to sell their products and there are many memorable slogans such as "Milk, it does a body good!" My children don't watch very much television, in fact our television hasn't worked for over two years and we don't miss it. So their knowledge of slogans was a bit limited. Before writing our slogans we watched a few videos and they gained a better understanding.

I laughed heartily while viewing Top 10 Food Catchphrases as it brought back many childhood memories. My favorite was the Wendy's Where's the Beef? clip. Although this type of advertising would probably not go over well today due to its lack of political correctness, it sure was funny.

 Top 10 Food Catchphrases

Even funnier was the short video containing made-up slogans that truly represented products.

If Company Slogans Were Honest

Although my kids didn't understand all of the humor, the videos did serve to explain what a slogan is. After watching, I gave each of the kids an apple and had them write slogans for apples.

Here's what we came up with:

7 Year Old Daughter
Apples crunch in the mouth.

11 Year Old Son
Fast, Easy, Healthy, Good!
Red Sugar
Our Tree, Your Money

14 Year Old Daughter
Yum! Yum! Yummy!
Don't Be Grumpy, Be Happy with Apples
Got Any Apples Bro?

My Slogans
Eat It Before the Worm
Twist the Stem
How Will You Get Yours Down?

And here's a final thought - An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Check out these great blogs full of educational activity ideas.

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