Saturday 6 September 2014

Middle Ages - Books

We read many wonderful books about the middle ages during our unit study.

In our favorite books we learn while being entertained with stories. Historical fiction has so much to offer. Here are some great books covering the middle ages.

  • Story of the Middle Ages by Samuel B Harding, free on Librivox, covers the history of the middle ages in Europe. The various groups which moved into Europe are explained.
  • Heros of the Middle Ages by Eva March Tappan is a story free on Librivox. It tells stories of the lives of many people from the middle ages such as Clovis, Charlemagne, Alfred the Great and William the conqueror.
  • When Knights were Bold, also by Eva March Tappan and free on Librivox tells what life was like during the middle ages. From tournaments to education and how to capture a castle; this book paints a good visual picture of medieval life.

Life in the Middle Ages - Picture Books - Great for younger children
  • The Minstrel and the Dragon Pup by Rosemary Sutcliff tells the story of a minstrel who adopts a dragon. When the dragon is stolen he travels throughout the land searching for him. A fun story for children ages 5-12.
  • Castle Diary: The Journal of Tobias Burgess by Richard Platt follows the journey of a young boy sent to live with his uncle as a page in his castle. This picture book is great for children ages 6-12.
  • The Middle Ages (Journey Through History)- This short picture book gives a brief introduction to middle age history in Europe.
  • Ms. Frizzle's Adventures: Medieval Castle - On the Magic School Bus, the kids in Ms. Frizzle's class journey to a middle ages castle and learn how castles were built, what life was like and how to deal with a siege.
  • Adventures in the Middle Ages (Good Times Travel Agency) by Linda Baily and Bill Slavin - When a modern family visit a time travel agency and head back to the middle ages, they learn what life really was like. The experience sleeping together on beds of straw, bugs, peasant and castle life. This is a great book for kids ages 5-10.

Life in the Middle Ages - Historical Fiction - Chapter Books

Minstrels - Adam of the Road (Puffin Modern Classics) by Robert Lawson - When Adam's dog is stolen, he tracks the thief throughout the country playing and entertaining as he goes.
Knights and Castles - Castle by David Macaulay - The book provides details into how medieval castles were constructed using a fun story format.
Printing - Breaking into Print: Before and After the Printing Press - The invention of the printing press marked the end of the middle ages. This book tells Gutenberg's story.




  • The Lion of St. Mark by GA Henty - A young boy from England has many adventures in Venice. He becomes a hero after saving a wealthy merchant's daughter from being kidnapped and goes on to perform many more heroic deeds.
  • Daughter of Venice by Donna Jo Napoli - A merchant's daughter does everything in her power to escape the life planned for her and have her own adventures.
  • Marco Polo by Demi
  • Animals Marco Polo Saw (Explorer Series) by Sandra Markle - This story puts a different perspective on the travels of Marco Polo which is very enjoyable for children.

Normans (Battle of Hastings)


* I did not receive any compensation for this recommendation. I'm just a homeschooling mom who has found many products that I like. If you're interested in the products I recommend on this blog I want to make it easy for you to find them. 
** I am an Amazon associate and receive a small portion of the sales on orders made after clicking in from this site, which I promptly spend on homeschooling books and supplies for my children.  

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Geography Game

This is a very straight forward way to study countries of the world. All of the kids enjoyed playing the game when they were about six years...