Wednesday 19 March 2014

Schnitzel - Cooking German Food

Living in Germany, we have had the chance to try many schnitzels. In fact it has become one of the kids favorites so we had to try cooking it at home.

Schnitzel is a traditional German dish made from meat (pork, turkey, chicken are the most common), tenderized with a hammer, usually breaded and fried. In restaurants it is often served with a choice of sauces (gravies). Mushroom and cream are the most popular.

My oldest had some daddy time as they worked together to make schnitzel.

My husband hammered the meat. When Jemma was in the hospital we watched one of the mothers of another patient prepare schnitzel. She hammered the snot out of the meat. (That's a quote from my husband.) Our room was down the hall and we could hear her hammering from there.

My daughter prepared the egg and bread crumb plates.

Our schnitzel was served with zucchini bread and cucumbers. Cucumbers are very popular here. They were served with each Friday breakfast in the hospital and at every German potluck I have attended. Zucchini bread on the other hand, is a family favorite, not a German food.

To see our other international cooking activities please visit our Food Page.

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